The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press Newsletter
The Wee Sparrow Poetry Podcast
Episode 28 - D I Hughes

Episode 28 - D I Hughes


In this episode, Claire chats to writer and co-founder of The Nuthatch Mag, D I Hughes about his debut collection, Memoirs of a Human Rat.

Here´s a collection of poems that chronicles the fleeting yet meteoric milestones we face as we bob and weave our way through existence.

From birth to our final breaths, we´re all just clawing to find a spec of meaning. Whether we find it or not, the ride is as hilarious as it is agonising - and at times - mind-numbingly mundane.

We all find the cheese somewhere along the line - but at what cost? Nobody is exempt. No one can escape.

Maybe we´re all just…

Dan chose poet Luke Wright as one of his favourite poets and read out Wright´s fantastic poem Ode to the Nightingale Estate.

Dan is a content writer by day and a scribbler of offbeat poetry by night. Some of his work features in the Black Pear Press, Ink, Sweat & Tears, The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press, Jack WildaAH! Magazine, and The Poetry Cove. His debut poetry collection Memoirs of a Human Rat is available through The Nuthatch Press.

You can follow his poetry misadventures on Instagram @DISpew

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The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press Newsletter
The Wee Sparrow Poetry Podcast
On The Wee Sparrow Poetry Podcast, Claire Thom, EIC and founder of The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press, chats to poets from different backgrounds, both emerging and established, about their work, their creative process, what inspires them to write, and much more.